We fix our eyes not on what is seen but what is unseen
2 Corinthians 4:18Prayer is a foundational part of a personal relationship with God.Praising Him for all he’s done, prophesying and speaking out the promises He made throughout scripture, petitioning for the needs we face daily and pausing to realign ourselves with heaven.
Here at C3 Hope, we are committed to both a personal prayer life and a corporate one, ensuring we create space where we can prioritise prayer for one another and for all God is doing among our church family.
You can add any prayer requests you have to our Online Prayer Wall below. People will be able to see your request and join with you in prayer or stand in faith on your behalf. Our staff and dedicated prayer team will also see your prayer and will continue to pray for your request throughout the week.
We'd also love to celebrate what God is doing in each of our lives so if you have a testimony you want to share then click the button and our team will be in touch!
Please keep your prayer concise. Prayers may be removed if issue is too sensitive or not appropriate to be shared online - for prayers of a more delicate nature, please send them to prayer@c3hope.church.
This is not entirely a prayer request but a testimony of the goodness of God. I hope it encourages someone believing for healing / an intervention.
In 2021 I had a breast cancer diagnosis, which for anyone it will be devastating news, but through it all I was strengthen by him, I could rely on him and his promises. When worry wanted to crept in, I had to constantly remind myself of his word (which i wrote down and continually confessed) and when I did peace was restored. He didn't say we wouldn't have challenges in this world, but he said through it he will never leave or forsake us, that is comforting to know.
And it helps mentally to know you can always call on him, for me when I do I may not instantly see the answer, but I always receive peace when I have prayed believing. One thing I also learnt is praising through difficult circumstances. Praise is a liberator, I spent time deliberately praising, dancing and worshiping
The cancer has since been removed, even the diagnosis for me was something to be thankful to God for and I believe it all has to do with the fact that I have a relationship with him and I often pray about mine and others health. The discovery was miraculous, it was like heaven and earth was moved for it to be discovered and the devil was put to shame because sickness is not of God. The bible says all good and perfect gift is of the father, sickness is not good there is only one source the devil.
My recovery was miraculous, as I said earlier, I had strange peace through it, had an operation, walked into the operating room myself, same day of the operation was already walking around the ward to the glory of God. Had very minimal pain all through and everything about the subsequent treatments I had to receive and also those I didn't have following investigation were all marked by the hand of God.
This is just one of my numerous examples of God's love, each and every day I am breathing is due to his mercy.
The benefits of serving him are too numerous that I feel it's important for others to know, because he loves me and he loves you while we were yet sinners he paid the price by sending his son to die on the cross for the exchange of our sins. And we shouldn't go through life alone nor bear our burdens alone. Jesus said in his word, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest".
I will like to encourage you today to open your heart to him and with all sincerity, say this prayer ...Lord I know I have sinned, I repent of them, thank you for sending your son to wash away my sin, I acknowledge you as my Lord and saviour from now on, fill me with your holy spirit as I seek to do your will all the days of my life.
You are now a new creature, find a Christ centered, bible believing church to attend, its very important for you to be in the company of believers so you can grow and support one another.
God bless