
Hello from our Student Pastor!

Welcome to C3 Hope Students!

If you're at university, then this is place for you. At C3 Hope we know that this time in your life is full of adventures, ups and downs, decisions and change and we're all about building community so that we can do this thing called life together. We're passionate about seeing people who are thriving in their relationship with God and filled with the Holy Spirit. 

So if you're a uni student we would love to meet you and get alongside you in this season of your life. 

Lots of love, 


Student Group

If you are at university then C3 Hope Students is the place to be! At the heart of everything we do is pursing Jesus together and student group is an incredible community to do that alongside. Our prayer for all our  students is you would be filled with the Holy Spirit and be set on fire with purpose and passion for Jesus while at university. University years are about so much more than just getting a degree and having great friends during this time will be transformative.

Student group is our gathering of university students meeting every Wednesday evening at 7pm at The Hope Centre. It is a place to be equipped, empowered and inspired to live a bold life for Jesus. We would love for you to join us.

To sign up click here to visit the groups page.





Connect with us

If you're considering becoming part of the family here at C3 Hope we would love to connect with you, please reach out to Jemimah ( as we would love to get to know you!
Do yourself a favour and follow us on Instagram (@c3hopestudents) to keep up to date with all things student related here at C3 Hope!