
Unpack the Christian Faith together!

Alpha is an opportunity to unpack the christian faith together. A place to ask questions about life, faith and anything in between, in a safe space with no judgement or expectation. It’s for anyone who’s curious to find out more.


Alpha Courses Coming up!

Our next Alpha Course is happening in-person at The Hope Centre, from Thursday 6th February 2025, we'll be meeting together weekly at 7:30pm to share great food, watch the video session and spend time in discussion. 

The first week of this course will be our Alpha Launch Night with live music, canapés and live comedy! So why not come along, bring a friend and find out more? 

We would love to see you there, click below to register and join us!

Sign up for our next course!

What to expect...

Each episode is designed to engage and inspire conversation. They’re about thirty minutes long and explore the big issues around faith and unpack the basics of Christianity, addressing questions such as Who is Jesus? 

Watch the video to get a glimpse at what Alpha is all about!  


Each session takes place either in person at The Hope Centre, where you’ll meet other people with questions just like yours.


We watch a 30 minute video together that’s designed to inspire questions.


At the end of each session there’s an open discussion where you can share your thoughts in small groups.

The power of invitation

Who could you invite to Alpha?

Do you know someone in your world who would benefit from Alpha? Someone at your workplace or school that has big questions about life and faith, then why not invite them along to Alpha.

We have invites available at The Hope Centre that you could use to invite a friend, chat to a member of our team on a Sunday or one of our volunteers midweek to grab one! 


Join the Alpha Team!

All our Alpha courses are run by a team of incredible volunteers, who are passionate about digging deeper in faith and helping people along their journey of discovering more and answer life's BIG questions. 

You don't need to have all the answers, maybe you're great at hospitality and would love to help our team cook the food for Alpha or you'd like to help behind the scenes with the admin. Whatever it may look like, if you're interested in getting involved in Alpha, then get in touch with us today!!