Together at the Table

Jo Willis Blog, Sermons Leave a Comment

This week, I’ve been feeling a restless excitement for what God is about to do in our community over the next 12 months. After meeting with a wonderful member of our church family, he shared a portion of scripture that perfectly encapsulated my feelings: Deuteronomy 1:3-8.

We are undeniably in a territory-taking season. How do I know? In anticipation of expanding to two services next Sunday, a couple of incidents this week felt like the enemy’s attempts to intimidate us. But we can stand firm on Isaiah 54:17 (ESV): “No weapon formed against you shall prosper.” Our DNA as believers, sons, and daughters of God, is one of victory, not because of what we have done because of what Jesus has done for us!

In September, we’re taking time to explore key elements of our community’s DNA—family, discipleship, and mission. These aren’t just values; they are lived experiences. Being a disciple is an active endeavor, not a passive observation. Ever watch a football game and wish you were playing? Or a cookery show, wishing you could help and taste? Deep inside, there is a desire in all of us to bring heaven to Earth.

We aim to uncover what living as a part of this family looks like, starting today, with a focus on our wider church. Did you know we are one of 610 churches worldwide under the C3 family? Founded in 1980 in Sydney, what started with 12 people has now grown to over 100,000 global attendees every weekend, from gypsy villages in Bulgaria to wood shacks in Fiji.

On Sunday, we created a hypothetical meal in the Willis household, with friends who were each asked to bring their favorite dish.

We finished with a very eclectic plate, but that plate represented the local church so well — a wonderful but andom mix that, on paper, shouldn’t work, but in reality does beautifully under God’s design. The church is God’s idea for humanity, never meant to be just a Sunday gathering but a functional family serving God’s purpose.

The Old Testament consistently called God’s people to justice, mercy, and unified worship of God. What began as Abraham’s family (Genesis 12) culminated in Revelation as a diverse group from all walks of life.

In our walk with God, transformation happens in three places: the temple, the table, and in tranquility.

  1. The Temple: Our gathered church on Sundays for corporate worship, shared revelation and community encouragement.
  2. Tranquility: Solitude with God, modeled by Jesus. Nothing replaces this – no meeting, altar call or worship experience can replace what happens in our personal walk with him.
  3. The Table: Midweek group gatherings around tables, fostering deeper meaning, pastoral care, accountability, encouragement, and growth in Christ.

This brings us back to the Willis family’s table. Here’s how we do it:

  • Grace: Always start with prayer. It’s a little crazy in our house!
  • Conversation Cards: Roo and Amiyah pick a topic, sparking fun, deep and sometimes hilarious discussions.
  • Vitals, Values and Vision:
  • Vitals: Assessing how loved and joyful we feel.

It’s important that we find a space where this can be outworked, particularly as Sheba shared in times of hardship where the family of God and God himself is there to carry us through.

  • Values: Reflecting on how well we’ve demonstrated our core values—family, discipleship, mission.

As we remember Matthew 20:28 (ESV): “The Son of Man came not to be served but to serve,” we realise that follow the greatest servant to ever walk the earth, and when we walk in his footsteps, we see family ignited when as live for others.

So we gave a few questions to ponder:

  • How am I contributing to the family? Am I actively participating or just observing?
  • How am I growing as a disciple? Am I feeding on God’s word and prayer, or just getting by on Sunday messages week by week?
  • How am I living on mission? Is my faith evident in my daily life?
  • Vision: Planning for the week ahead.

We have some pretty exciting highlights coming up this term at C3 Hope:

  • Moving to two services.
  • Employing two new roles: Development Manager and Pastoral Care Coordinator roles to enhance and strengthen our team.
  • Mission trip to Romania in October.
  • Hosting the Global Leadership Summit for business leaders, entrepreneurs and workplace ministers in November.
  • Three Carols services in December, leading into an Alpha course in January following the one starting this year on October 3rd.

Finally, we took time to pray for our youth and for one another, calling down God’s blessing and stepping out in faith as one unified family.

Together at the table, we embody God’s mission, growing in love, service, and community—living out our DNA as family, disciples, and missionaries!

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