This week, I’ve been feeling a restless excitement for what God is about to do in our community over the next 12 months. After meeting with a wonderful member of our church family, he shared a portion of scripture that perfectly encapsulated my feelings: Deuteronomy 1:3-8. We are undeniably in a territory-taking season. How do I know? In anticipation of …
The Way of the Worshipper
Shaping Our Lives Through Devotion to God For the past two months, this message has been stirring in my heart. Sometimes, God places a burden so strongly that I know it’s a corporate word for us as a church. While we often journey through scripture line by line, precept by precept, led by our commitment to increase biblical literacy, there …
Knock Knock, God’s There!
From the youngest to the oldest among us, life is undeniably full of doors. Particularly in this season full of transitions, marked by endings and fresh beginnings, doors are often closing and new ones opening. There are open doors of opportunity and change, doors that bring new starts, and doors that leave us unsure of what lies ahead. Today, I’d …
Straight Talking – Yes or No is Enough
In our ongoing sermon series “Did God Really Say?”, we dive into the fourth teaching of Jesus in Matthew 5. This week, our focus is on the power and simplicity of truth-telling as highlighted in Matthew 5:33-38. “Again, you have heard that it was said to the people long ago, ‘Do not break your oath, but fulfill to the Lord …
Nothing is Wasted
A Journey of Redemption and Grace When Jesus addresses topics like divorce in the Gospels, He is not merely setting rules; He is inviting us into a deeper relational journey with Him, one marked by redemption and grace. The standard Jesus presents is not for condemnation but a guiding light to the Father’s heart. Given the challenging nature of discussing …