The Glorious Gap

Sorcha Sherwin Sermons Leave a Comment

During our “Your Kingdom Come” series, I’ve been reminded of the depth and power of this simple prayer. It’s a prayer unlike any other—filled with faith, boldness, surrender, and an open invitation for God to radically alter our plans for His majestic purposes. This declaration has woven its way deeply into the fabric of our church, yearning for God’s kingdom to manifest in us, in our gatherings, and across our city.

The crucial realisation here is that God maneuvers His purpose through us—His church. We, the ‘Ecclesia,’ the called-out ones, are both the respondents and bearers of this divine movement. God beckons us to partner with Him, setting us apart to catalyze the ushering in of His kingdom on Earth, marked by transformed lives and the dynamic work of the Holy Spirit.

God is prompting us into a new season as a churcuh that demands more than passive faith; it requires an activation of our faith and a profound dependency on His sufficiency, presence, power, and Word. This isn’t about reliance on human strength but on the Spirit’s guidance (Zechariah 4:6).

Stepping into this new phase means we must also step out of our current comfort zones, particularly the ‘smallness’ that has silently seeped into our mentality. This concept of ‘smallness’ is craftily deceptive, often masquerading as wisdom or practicality.

Here lies the challenge and the theme of today’s sermon: “The Glorious Gap.” Between our current reality and the future God envisions for us, there exists a significant gap—a stretch that extends beyond our abilities, resources, and imaginations. But rather than a space of fear and inertia, this gap is one of opportunity and divine invitation.

Historically, gaps have always been part of the Christian narrative. Indeed, the very act of God sending Jesus was to bridge the ultimate gap between humanity and Himself. This gap demands that we live by faith, allowing God’s strength to be perfected in our weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9).

Consider Gideon’s story in Judges 6. Called during a time of oppression and fear, Gideon was threshing wheat in a winepress to hide from the Midianites. When God’s messenger arrives, he greets Gideon as a “mighty warrior.” Despite Gideon’s objections about his weakness and insignificance, God promises His presence and assures Gideon of victory over the Midianites.

Gideon’s call from God required stepping out of fear and into faith—moving beyond natural capacity and into a realm defined by divine assurance. Similarly, we are summoned not just to step out of physical limitations but out of mental smallness that constrains God’s work in and through us.

Today, let us identify the areas where we have allowed our lives to become ‘me-sized’—limited, safe, and seemingly sensible—and decide to embrace the gap. Stepping out in faith means trusting God’s sufficiency and acknowledging that our ‘smallness’ is the perfect backdrop for His glory.

Let us move beyond the logic of self-preservation to embrace a life of divine possibility. Let’s declare like Paul, delighting in our weaknesses so that Christ’s power may rest upon us, embracing our identity as God’s mighty warriors, stepping out of our own understanding and into faith-fueled action.

As we step into the ‘Glorious Gap,’ we move from merely singing songs and praying prayers to actively participating in the unfolding of God’s kingdom. Let us not shrink back but step up, trusting that the God who calls us into the gap will faithfully lead us across it.

Welcome to “The Glorious Gap,” where we step out of the natural and into the supernatural, from comfort to calling, and from smallness to the expansiveness of God’s kingdom. Let faith guide your steps into this exciting new season. Embrace the gap, for in it lies the potential for God’s greatest works to be revealed in and through us. Let’s step forward together, for the heroes of faith aren’t defined by their strength but by their willingness to trust God completely in the midst of their gaps.

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