The Glorious Gap

Sorcha Sherwin Sermons Leave a Comment

During our “Your Kingdom Come” series, I’ve been reminded of the depth and power of this simple prayer. It’s a prayer unlike any other—filled with faith, boldness, surrender, and an open invitation for God to radically alter our plans for His majestic purposes. This declaration has woven its way deeply into the fabric of our church, yearning for God’s kingdom …

Your Kingdom COME

Lois Willis Sermons Leave a Comment

As a family, we find ourselves at week 4 of a profound exploration of three transformative words from the Lord’s Prayer: “Your kingdom come.” These words are not just a passive wish but an active invocation of God’s sovereign rule here on earth as it is in heaven. The Call of the Kingdom – “COME!” This week, we focus singularly …

YOUR Kingdom Come

Jo Willis Sermons Leave a Comment

We find ourselves at a pivotal juncture where the profound words “Your kingdom come” resonate. This transformative journey delves into the heart of the Lord’s Prayer from Matthew 6:9, and embarks on a voyage of understanding the divine calling for His kingdom to be made known on earth. Last week Rev Kev, in his insightful teachings, unraveled the essence encapsulated …